

The following questions help you share with me your interest level and concerns.  Plus having an application process ultimately is a support to you through knowing that the peers in your small cohort have a similar sincerity, dedication, and willingness to pursue Unbridling their soul as you do.

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Question 1 of 14


Question 2 of 14

First and Last Name

Question 3 of 14


Question 4 of 14

Time Zone

Question 5 of 14

Phone Number

Question 6 of 14

Please share your experience level with any of the major areas of the Healing Arts? (Such as personal experience, trainings, and courses, professionally)

Question 7 of 14

What is your experience level with any of the major areas of Spiritual Growth and Mystical traditions?

Question 8 of 14

What is it you most hope to know and be able to do as a result of embarking on this transformational journey with Unbridled Soul?

Question 9 of 14

While I have tried to structure the program to be sensitive to the busy schedules and the responsibilities we all have, it does require a commitment. This program is designed to be a Sacred Journey of Transformation and Empowerment. To honor yourself in this course you will be responsible for consistently viewing recorded content, attending live classes (if you can not attend the live class listening to the recordings and sending in any questions you might have), be personally accountable to follow-through on assignments, and have a willingness and courage to step into self-reflection and contemplation time. Do you feel that it is the right time for you to give yourself the gift of making this work a priority for yourself? If so, please share a little about what your motivations are to work in this program.

Question 10 of 14

How does adding in the topics and knowledge we will cover in this program relate to your current mission, purpose, or vision for your life and/or life’s work?

Question 11 of 14

Because this is a sacred journey and it will bring about change in your life. My hope and desire is that the small group and I will help to serve as a beautiful support system for you during this time. I also like to be aware of the outside support systems my clients have so that I can help them resource those as well if/when needed. Please share with me what types of current support structures are already present in your life?

Question 12 of 14

Please share any concerns or apprehensions you may have about your ability to engage in the program or about the program itself. (please remember you are not required to complete all the levels. I share them with you so that you have awareness of the larger journey I can support and serve as your Guide through if you so feel called. There is also no timeline on moving through the levels. So you can work through the levels whenever it is optimal for you.)

Question 13 of 14

What is the biggest draw you have toward joining Unbridled Soul?

Question 14 of 14

What is your current level of interest in being a part of the 2023 Level One Cohort?


Very High - I’m very interested and ready to sign up now!


Strong - I’m interested and look forward to learning more about it.


Moderate - I’m interested in the course. However, I’m not sure I have the time or resources for the fall cohort, but I’m interested in exploring the possibilities for the future.

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