Connecting with Joy Season 5

Enjoy free access to Episode One of Season 5 to help the ground the monthly practices in our theme for this season.

A monthly membership podcast dedicated to exploring the healing power of connecting with JOY. Each month, it features different teachings and practices on how to infuse joy into your life, especially if you are on a healing and growth journey.

Join me, industry leaders, therapists, dreamers, coaches, and practitioners in the healing and personal growth field to learn new ways to experience unbridled JOY!


This season, we will be exploring the theme of
“Attuning with Joy – 5 Practices for Enjoying Life!”

Throughout Season 5 of Connecting with Joy, we will be bringing our classroom for developing these desires into engagement with our life through cultivating 5 daily practices for enjoying our life!

In Episode 8 of Season 5, we are continuing to work with the 3rd Principle for Enjoying Life – For all of today, I will do my work honestly.

Our “work” is more than our job or volunteer opportunities. This principle helps remind us that our work is every part of our life - how we think, act, and connect with ourselves and others.  This month invites you to reflect on how you welcome and allow yourself to engage life with honesty. To do this we need to be willing to hear and receive clear guidance and insights from our system and Wise One Self when we are out of alignment with our True Self. That takes a willingness to work with Soul Medicines of Integrity and Humbleness.  

In the Reflection Practice for this month, I will be sharing:

  •  Two Guided Reflections that each address a core aspect of embracing this principle:
    •  Reflections on Worth and Worthiness
    • Reflection on what is false humbleness and what is true humbleness.

Join us for a monthly infusion of JOY!

Let’s face it – if you are on a healing or growth journey of any kind you know that it isn’t for the faint of heart.  Working to heal or change something can leave you feeling like you are just barely surviving let alone figuring out how to thrive.  Healing can definitely come with its fair share of “blood, sweat, and tears”.  AND the journey can also come with moments of love, joy, connection, tenderness, and laughter.   

Over the last 20 years of supporting my clients on their personal healing and growth journeys, I’ve noticed one pattern in particular that can derail, lengthen, and actually increase the “suffering” they are experiencing along their journey.  One of the leading “causes” of what I see as unnecessary pain and suffering is when people buy into the illusion and myth that I call the “one day” myth.  The illusion is something like, “I will finally feel joy again or be happy once I reach my goal or destination”.  This is one of the biggest myths I’m on a mission to help dissolve. This limiting belief actually locks you into pain and suffering; it robs you of the life that is happening right here and right now in this moment.

Why I created the Connecting with Joy membership

My goal with this membership is to share each month different tangible skills to help unbridle your life and connect you back with joy NOW.  I don’t want one more person to wait for a “future” when everything is healed and everything is “good” to start living and dropping into a full life again.  Because the reality is that too is an illusion.  Life will always have ups and downs, there will always be something that you want to heal or change.  It is HOW you show up for those ups and downs that actually unleashes your ability to heal!  When we are closer in frequency to our true soul nature – love, joy, compassion, and honoring our life right here and right now, we have the power we need to heal and accomplish our goals – big and small.  The secret to healing is learning the art of dropping into connection – connection with your life, your soul, your love, your joy! 

Joy doesn’t just pop into our lives.  To access joy, we need to cultivate, connect, and start a relationship with “joy” in order to develop it as part of our core self, no matter what life is throwing our way. 


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All funds from the unlimited membership access level help us provide scholarship and horse funds for Unbridled Change and our programs.  To learn more about our programs and the type of life changing opportunities you will be supporting click here.