2016…What A Year!

Aug 10, 2019

What a year!

Saying 2016 was a year of challenges is a bit of an understatement.  However, those challenges gave me enormous opportunities to embrace growth and change.

I smile and chuckle a bit when I think about the fact that I decided to name my nonprofit Unbridled Change, 8 years ago.  Historically, I have fought any and all “change” kicking and screaming.  Pretty much the universe needed to hit me over the head with a 2×4, multiple times, before I’m was willing to admit change was necessary.  Slowly, I started to entertain the idea that change could maybe even be a good thing.  It took four years into the wonderful, crazy, insane, nerve racking journey of running Unbridled Change before I was able to start embodying the concept of what my soul was yearning for when I came up with the name.  Change can be freeing and liberating!  The trick is to unbridle ourselves from our own past and limiting beliefs to accept lasting change!

2016 gave me the opportunities to fine tune those concepts.  I started to whole heartedly embrace and find joy and growth in the process of change!  This year started with my continued journey of recover from major health issues.  At the same time I was growing Unbridled Change.  That journey has helped me learn how to accept support from others, something else I didn’t do too well.  On a personal front our family went through the heart wrenching journey of cancer with my 4-year niece.  She is now 5 and is 6 months cancer free woohoo!  I was given the opportunity to learn the art of letting go of the reins and trusting in God to support my sister, her family, the doctors and nurses, and my whole family throughout the journey.

2016 opened doors for me to dive deeper into self-healing and discovery.  I was given opportunities to knock down some old nagging beliefs of mistrust in myself and in life as general.  Somehow, I found the courage to take the final pieces of the bridle off myself, my organization, horses, and my future!  As a result, I have experienced quantum shifts in my personal freedom, spirituality, responsibility, and openness. 

2017…what are my goals, vision, and hopes??? 

To continue taking the first step – over and over again!  To continue to keep a beginner’s mind while:

  • transferring into written word the lessons learned from horses, life, and self-healing – my first book!
  • giving and attending workshops,
  • and continuing to step out into the light of willingness and vulnerability with personal power and freedom!

2017 is shaping up to be another year of change and opportunities!  I am looking forward to sharing my path with you along the way and learning from you as well here on my blog or in person!

Sending light, love, and gratitude to all of those that have supported, touched, and been a part of my journey to this point.

Peace and wishing you a holiday season of joy and light,


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