
June Solstice: An Invitation to Shine!

Jun 20, 2024

I recently recorded a special Bonus video and episode for our Connecting with Joy! Membership community and I thought I would share it here as well as June Solstice gift for you!

Solstices are the time of year that the Sun is at its highest or lowest declination in relationship to the...

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Ring the Bells that Still Can Ring

Jun 02, 2024

We all have within us an inner flame, spark of life that is unique to each one of us. It helps give us passion, desires, and inspiration! The Element of Fire brings forward a burning desire to create and share our light as an offering to the world.

As creative Beings there is an inner drive...

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Mental Health Awareness Month

Apr 30, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness month and as a Healing and
Wellness organization, it is a topic that is near and dear to our Hearts!  

Science has caught up to the truths that healing traditions have taught for centuries; there is a direct relationship between our mental health (mind) and...

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How to Start a Daily Holistic Healing Practice

Apr 14, 2024

I used to think of healing work and practices as something we do when we are:

  • sick, 
  • injured, 
  • struggling,
  • or in the recovery process in some way. 

Traditionally, we do not seek the support of wellness and healing practices when life is cruising along. I can’t remember one...

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Trouble Meditating? A simple shift that might make all the difference!

Apr 01, 2024

When I make the suggestion to my clients that adding in mindfulness practices will help them reach their healing goals they often share similar responses like,

“I’ve tried to do a mindfulness practice, but it just doesn’t work for me. I don’t feel better after I sit, I...

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Finding a Place for Healing: The Journey of Remembering our Wholeness

Mar 01, 2024

I’m excited to announce the launch of Season 5 of Connecting with Joy! This season, we will be exploring the theme of “Attuning with Joy – 5 Practices for Enjoying Life!”

When the idea of launching Connecting with Joy first came to mind, I wasn’t sure if managing the...

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Reading and Invitations for 2024 – Balance and Action

Dec 30, 2023

This year, I felt guided to do a Numerology Reading and Invitations for 2024. Numerology is one of many different divination tools that works with archetypal patterns. Numerology specifically works with the archetypal patterns and symbolism of numbers and how they interact with us...

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Embracing the Light Within: A Blessing to claim and invoke your Soul’s Light within.

Dec 20, 2023

We've reached the December Solstice, a time to celebrate and connect with the light within.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the longest night, signaling our transition from Fall to Winter. This day reminds us that stillness and introspection are integral parts of our journey—a...

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Power of Healing Pauses – Intentional Check-Ins to Help Manifest Your Intentions!

Nov 20, 2023

People often ask me, “Michelle, how do you consciously manifest the different projects that you receive in your guidance?” 

The answer is always the same – I know how to leverage and work with the Power of Healing Pauses. 

What is a Healing Pause? 

Healing Pauses...

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March 2023 Equinox: Calling Forward Balance, Harmony, and Nourishment!

Mar 17, 2023

Every time we shift seasons, we pass through a moment of pause between the seasons. This moment of pause represents astrologically the equinoxes - places of balance between day and night or yin and yang energies; and the solstices – places of the longest day (yang energy) in the summer or...

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