Is That A Fox?!?

Aug 10, 2019

Ok so a mom confession – I love when the girls go back to school.  Yes, I love having extra time in the morning before work during the summer.  However, there is wonderful recharge that I get from moving through my morning routine with silence and connection to the world around me without the little giggling voices. 

My morning routine is my guilty pleasure and my time to really ground myself before diving into the day.  After the girls leave for school, I grab my journal, step into my muck boots, and walk up to the barn for morning chores and my time with the horses.  I love everything about it – fresh still air, hearing the horses eat, and the birds calling in the morning sun.  There is something wonderful about being able to just “be” without feeling torn between grabbing a view minutes to myself before connecting with world and my do to list for the day.  Maybe a few of you can relate!

Anyways, my mediation routine includes sharing space and time with my horses in undemanding time, just being a part of their herd, prior to working/playing with them.  Yesterday, Saturday, I noticed a red fox had joined me on the side of the arena while I was meditating!  I opened my eyes and there she (I’ve decided she is a she) – sitting on the bank overlooking the arena.  My horses were grazing on the grass (which has grown up in the arena and on my honey do list  ) around me and she had laid down and was grooming herself.  I sat for a few minutes just watching and soaking up this little treat of nature before I thought maybe I could grab a picture.  My movement of taking the picture caused her to trot back off into the woods. 

As I went back up this morning I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if she decided to join us again.  I fed the horses and opened the gate to the arena for the horses to join me once they were done.  I sat down, enjoying soaking up the sunshine.  When I glanced at the bank, there she was!  She repeated her pattern, laid down, groomed herself again, and then she got braver.   I took out my phone and she watched me.  She didn’t run right away this time.  She started to play with the crickets on the side of the bank.  She then she trotted into the arena and played with crickets inside the arena.  To my surprise, the horses didn’t seem to mind her playing alongside them a mere 20-30 feet away. I swear she was trying to decide whether to come closer or not.

Now, what a red fox means for sure I have no idea lol!  And just incase her motives are not about oneness and connection, I did tell her she can hang out with me and the horses but she couldn’t have our chickens that will stay tucked safely in the coop for a couple of days!  

Sending light, love and the joy of little random gifts!


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