Mini-Numerology Reading for 2022

Jan 04, 2022

I love numerology! I like to look at the energies that are coming through and the archetypal patterns that are held in each number – I know! Totally geek! But hey, it is so fun and something I have found really helpful for inviting me into feeling and working with all the layers of what is present. 

Here is a quick basic look at the year 2022 from a numerology point of view. 

For those that want to know how behind these numbers the formula to gain them is to break down each number and to add them together repeating the process until you gain a signal number or a master number. So think of the year as separate numbers:

22 (22 is a master number so you do not break it down)

Here is how you do the calculations:

2 + 0 = 2

2 + 22 = 24

2 + 4 = 6

Therefore - 2022 is a 6 with the master number 22.

Let’s take a quick look at the different parts:

The 6 opens us to frequencies of nourishment, harmony, peace, and nurturing just to highlight a few. The invitation of the energy of a 6 is to look at creating of these frequencies within the inner sense of “home”. 

The master number 22 is considered the master builder or master architect. It calls forward ACTION that can create structure and the foundational energies of all creation. 

Putting those two frequencies together you end up with an invitation to explore how to create and call forward the actual structures you need to cultivate and live life with nourishment, peace, harmony, and working together with honoring the different aspects and building blocks of life.

Collective Perspective

Since these numbers are collectively present for all of us right now and throughout the year, can you imagine the shifts and changes we can make this year to bring forward a collective sense of harmonizing, honoring each other, nourishing each other, and helping to bring an overall sense of peace and welcoming to the very foundation of our interactions!? Wow, I’m so excited to really get to work with these frequencies and ideals over the next year. 

Here is a short reflection and contemplation practice you can do right now to start activating these energies in your field:

Do a little audit right now of how you feel with these energies?

  • Nourishment, nurturing, harmony, inner peace, honoring of all the aspects of life
    • Where do you feel you could use a little remodel or renovation with some of these in your daily life?
    • Where do you feel really good and in alignment with any of these energies?
    • What other energies do you feel when you sit with the number 6 and the number 22? Ask the same above questions to open to those aspects.
    • What intentions can you call forward to help begin the process of “building” out a daily inner rhythm that is nourishing, supportive, harmonizing, and open to a sense of peace and honoring within?
    • What is one action step you can implement right now (without any influx of time or resources) to help call forward the master builder energy of the 22?


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