Powerless to Empowered

Aug 10, 2019

How are you doing on bringing awareness to the 3 main mental mindsets that have been stealing your personal power?  Let’s dive right back in on the 2nd step, acceptance, in moving from powerless to empowered!  In case you missed the last blog/video where I introduced them and the 1st step to overcoming them, you can catch up here.

2nd step – Acceptance

Hang with me????  If I just started to lose you with the word “acceptance” know that I don’t mean I’m asking you to condone or agree with something in your past (or current world). Instead we are talking about acknowledging that something is what it is. In the ACT model (Acceptance and Commitment Theory) they call this step “creative hopelessness”. Personally I’m not a big fan of that term, BUT the step spot on. Basically it means that once you realize that you cannot change the past, it opens you up to a shift.

What is the shift?

You can’t change what you don’t see

That acceptance opens you up to being willing to see the opportunity that you can change your focus. Now that you have awareness of where you are losing your power, ask yourself this question:

  •  Is this working for me in my life right now?

Chances are at some point the behaviors, thoughts, and “power” you gave away in the past helped you survive whatever the situation was. However, is that pattern working for you now? If not, acceptance or “creative hopelessness” can help you make a key shift from obsessing about what you can’t control to empowering yourself to channeling your energy to what can control. And what can you control – you ????

Sounds simple right, but this step can be pretty tricky. In this week’s vlog, I want to share an amazing session I had with a client at the residential treatment facility. This story has stayed with me for all these years because it is the perfect framework for working through acceptance.  It also shows how shifting your focus can move you toward the 3rd step – accountability.

Click here for the lesson a brave 17-year-old girl showed to me one spring day in a pasture with a horse named, Bear. This session truly shifted her life and mine!

Again if you missed the first video, click here to catch up.

Sending you light and love – Michelle

PS – I want to know how you are doing with what I like to call our Take Back the Reins Challenge. We are all connected and you never know who needs a little inspiration, so please share you wins with us below or on your social media with #TakeBacktheReinsChallenge you never know who’s life you might touch and empower!

Michelle Holling-Brooks

Founder and President of Unbridled Change – providing hope, healing and growth!


50% Complete

Two Step

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