Spring Gifts of Connection

Sep 28, 2019

I love spring time!  The sense of renewal in the air and new life – so good for my soul and my body.  I also see it as an opportunity to renew and strengthen my bond and heart strings with my herd. 

Years ago, my mindset at spring time was focused on training plans and polishing up my performance level of myself and my horses.  Now, it is a completely different mindset.  I see spring time as a time to reconnect with movement after winter time, which for me is typically a slower paced, and I spend more time on sharing space and grooming (especially this winter with all that is going on). 

I also used to dread another springtime process of getting the herd back on the grass fields and off our winter sacrifice paddocks.  The game of turning them out slowly for a couple of hours and increasing it over 2 weeks or so was not fun to me.  I would try bribing the horses to come back up with grain, which only worked for maybe 2 days, and I had to get more creative and assertive to get them off the grass to allow their system some down time before their next time on the fields. 

NOW, after finding Carolyn Resnick’s method I look forward to sharing the experience with them.  I take it as an opportunity to work outside of the arena on a natural version of 5 piles of hay, leading from behind, eye contact, companion walking when offered – all of her games and exercises. 

This morning was one of those magical mornings where the dew was still on the grass.  The early morning haze was almost burned off by the warming sunshine.  I could hear the calls of the birds and the chickens scratching around in the pines.  The air smelled fresh and with a hint of the flowers on the light breeze.  I opened the gate and followed the horses out to the grass and waited for them to settle.  Sitting down in my favorite spot I soaked up the moment.  After my meditation session I decided the moment called for a ceremonial hello.  I lined myself up and Diesel and Sola reply by lifting their heads, walking toward me to meet me in the middle with a warming hello and sniff of my outstretched hand.  I stepped back and they began to graze again. 

I spent the next 30 minutes or so exploring the grass with them.  I repeated the pattern of asking them to move on to a new sections of grass, settling, and grooming them while they eat.  Half way through I sat down to rest and share space.  When I looked down my eye was drawn to a four leaf clover right next to my feet on the right side of me!  It was beautiful and just the message I needed today.  Diesel and Sola shifted to surround me and graze as I sat.  The connection and draw I felt to them was so strong.  To me the heart strings of connection equal love.  Pure love that grows from time and effort.  I found Carolyn’s method 4 years ago.  Not only have I grown as a horsewoman it has helped lay a foundation that I was able to embrace and transform as a person as well.  It has allowed me to give a voice to the parts of me that I thought no one would understand.  This morning sitting on the side of the hill with my horses I felt seen, heard, and loved.  This morning the universe gave me the best spring time gift of healing ever!!! 

Sending light and love to all of you and I hope you find your “four leaf clover” today – Michelle


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