Connection: A Powerful Word!

Jul 24, 2019

Wow! What a month we have had at the farm! We were excited and grateful for the community support at our first community training event for “Breaking the Silence on Mental Health” series. The first event focused on suicide prevention and was held at the Harvester in Rocky Mount. The speakers did an amazing job presenting a hard topic and breaking it down into strategies that we can all use to help those that are struggling to feel connected.

The theme of connection has been huge this month for both our clients and for myself personally. The longer I am doing this work the more it becomes clear that loss of connection to one’s self and the “world”, for a whatever the reason, is almost always a huge piece of our emotional pain. The negative belief systems that can take over our lives and decision making process are often born out of the moments when connection has been broken due to abuse, break in trust, carelessness…

People have asked us, “Why is the work we ask our clients to do while at the barn so life changing?” Answer, they have the chance to rebuild connections to themselves and others with intention. Addressing thoughts like,

  • I’m not worth it…
  • I’m weak….
  • My life doesn’t matter…
  • I’m stupid…
  • No body will ever care about me because of my past…

And turn those beliefs into

  • I am strong
  • I am safe
  • I am a leader
  • My thoughts and needs do matter
  • I am worthy of love and connection
  • It’s ok to ask for what I need

Through working with our horses and our treatment we see people blossom and change into a person that is connected and open to the world around!

Here are a few pictures from a group of veterans that are struggling with the effects of PTSD and military sexual trauma. They were asked to build a “bridge” and move as a group from one side of the barn to the other with all the things they “walk” through life with – the good, the bad, and the ugly. This activity is designed to help explore the move from victimhood to surviorhood that they are working on as part of the treatment program.   This activity looks different for each group but the shifts we have seen are immense and powerful. This group chose to write words that represent the obstacles that have been holding them back as the bridge. The end result – the feeling of connection as a group, to themselves, and to their support systems at home!

So as spring starts to roll out be on the lookout for the moments that you can reconnect to parts of you that you might have forgotten about! Take a mindful breath and be intentional about the life you want to live 🙂. We would love if you can share those moments of connection with us here on our blog or our Facebook page – every moment you share could help someone that is struggling see the hope.

Sending light and love,
Michelle Holling-Brooks


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