December Solstice

Dec 17, 2021

We are coming up on the December Solstice on the 21st!

My gift for you to help celebrate the Solstice is a recorded practice - “Connecting Inward”.

What is the December Solstice and how can it support you on your healing and growth journey?

In the Northern Hemisphere it marks the shortest day and longest night of the year and in the Southern Hemisphere the longest day and shortest night of the year. 

Ancient cultures celebrated the Solstice is a time to pause and honor the past season and embrace and welcome in the next season. They lived and worked with the transitions and movements within the Earth’s cycles and rhythms.

For the Northern Hemisphere, it is the transition from fall, the Metal Element, and into winter, the Water Element.

For the Southern Hemisphere, it is the transition from spring, the Wood Element, and into summer, the Fire Element.

As a whole, in modern times we have drifted away and distanced ourselves from living within the rhythms and cycles of the Earth and the cosmos. The result of this distancing has caused many of our own internal rhythms and cycles to be out of sync with the natural order of the world around us and even own our natural rhythms within us.

Today let’s pause, honor, and welcome the transition and movement from one Element of the Cycle to the next. This practice helps to re-align and sync your own systems with these astrological rhythms strengthening the pathways within your own system and cultivating:

  • A deep connection to your “Yin” life force and creation energy
  • Develops presence into the present moment 
  • Develops a place of stillness, silence, and peace within
  • Activates an inner sense of love, peace, and joy!

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