Gratitude and Reflection

Nov 21, 2021
This past month I've been working on updating and refreshing some of our copy for our website, communications, and developing new offerings - it has been a busy month behind the scenes of Unbridled Change! I want to share with you one of the projects we just finished up for new members of our community that have just found Unbridled Change – the Story of Us.
When I was writing this and going through the pictures, I was so moved by the memories, the images of the different beings (human and non-human) that are a part of our story. With each image, I remembered the story of the clients, the healing and growth they walked through while with us, the hand and hoof prints that were left behind as reminders and support to all those that come forward that change and healing are possible. It has been such a privilege and honor to have been a part of watching this organization grow, shift, and expand over the past 13 years. 
When I think of the thousands of hearts that have been unbridled over the years by being in direct services with us and then the thousands of ripples those hearts have made through their connections outside of Unbridled Change - their families, their community, their friends and loved one, their schools and place of business. When I sat with the sensations of feeling into those ripples I could feel the empowerment and healing growing and multiplying over and over. Wow, there are no words! It truly is an honor and humbling to serve as the steward, the month piece, and the boots on the ground for the mission of Unbridled Change - providing a haven in the world for hope, healing, and growth for all beings!
I'm so excited to see where it will continue to evolve over the next 13 years!
Love, Light, and Joy,
PS - Check out our new program Changing Health Cohorts.  It is an awesome small group healing cohort (online and LIVE) designed to help those that are seeking to add energy work into their healing journey and the Jan 2022 cohort is forming now :)

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