Leading Your Authentic Life

Sep 28, 2019

For this week’s blog I thought I’d share a quick little story about a meditation experience I had that prompted a HUGE shift for me and gave birth to the third phase of our Unbridled Change Method – leading your authentic life.

My meditation started out with exploring the ideals of fate versus destiny and how those impact living, loving, and leading your authentic life.  Questions where pouring through me like:

  • Do we have a say in our fate and/or destiny?  
  • If we have already made pre-arrangements before coming here on our soul contracts, where and how does free will fit into things?  And so on…

For me, I always get sucked back into the same stumbling block – worth.

  • Who am I to step into a destiny?  
  • What if I mess it up?  
  • What if I can’t understand the guidance that is surrounding me and the grace that is being given?  
  • What if…. what if…fear…. Shame…self-imposed guilt and judgement.  

Those seem to be my blocks that are my old noble friends.  I don’t think I’m alone in this. Maybe you share some of these, what Teresa of Avila, calls reptiles in your sacred interior castle of your soul.  Luckily these day I know them well. I can quickly identify their tones in my thought patterns and bring awareness to where I am losing my power. I also know how to help show them the exit door from my thoughts and have learned the skills of how to replace them with my inner truth and faith in myself and the divine worth that is inherent to all of us.  

As I spotted them that morning, a new approach to co-creation and leading my authentic life was downloaded to me.  I’ll cut to the chase and give you the cliff-notes version: I am here to be in balance with my life, the roles I have chosen, and to be a steward of divine love in each of the places.  That’s it. It isn’t a big super-sized life mission. It doesn’t have to be this massive insane earth shattering purpose that changes the world’s thinking and shifts the universe. It boils down to being in alignment with a willingness to be, to receive, and to give love freely, with honor, respect for those and their will, and to be a sanctuary in the world of chaos for those that are in need.  This can be as simple as a smile to a person I pass on the road. Can be helping to support a client through reclaiming a piece of their spirit and heart that was ripped away by trauma and pain. Your authentic life is waiting for you in every moment and every thought. The invitation to leading that life from the universe was – Are you willing to answer the call to find the love and joy of the divine in every breath, not just in the super-size imagination of my “purpose”?  

As I sat in meditation I saw this beautiful invitation being handed to me, inside of the envelope was a mustard seed.  The old teaching that the faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain flooded through my body. I also saw the seed of the great redwoods.  The amazing tree that can only grow out of the birth of fire. Such a small package for both of them. However, from that supposable small package, an amazing awe inspiring being is born.  I closed my mediation with an intention of answering, “Yes, I agree, and yes I am willing to bring to each day the knowing of the truth that I am a steward of my mustard seed. I wasn’t perfect and can’t be.  No one is, was, are will be. I choose to stand in the light and choose to freely share that light.”

I closed down my meditation and went on with my morning routine of getting ready for the day.  However, the universe wasn’t quite sure I had got the whole message! While I was finishing up brushing my teeth a song came on my playlist that I have heard many times before, but never REALLY heard.  The song is “Moving Mountains” by the The Brevet, the lyrics are:

“Clarity paint me bright, like stars in the dark of night
And open up the sky, now meet me by the mountainside
Where there is a fire in my belly and beast in my mind
That keeps trying to tell me to strengthen my spine
All through this life, there comes a time to move a mountainside

Hold, my hand
And lead me over this strange land
‘Cause this great unknown, was meant to be found
Oh-oh-oh, it’s calling me now, now, now

Open the doors
I’ve been here once before
But wasn’t really sure what I was looking for

Mold, my soul
Into something to uphold, a book untold
So won’t you unfold these pages now
Oh, ‘cause they’re crying, 
And their calling out saying, “hear me now”

Open the doors
I’ve been here once before
But wasn’t really sure what I was looking for

I was meant to find
What’s on the other side of this hill
Calling out my name to the light

I was meant to find 
What’s on the other side of this hill
Calling out my name to the light

I was meant to find
What’s on the other side of this hill
Calling out my name to the light
To the light.”

I stopped backed up the song and listened again.  Holy moly, this was my meditation! The universe had given me a confirmation and backed up what had come to me during my morning devotional and reflection time.

So how does this fit into the third phase of our method?  Well, in a healing journey the first place you start is with learning how to trust and respect yourself, through that you agree to start living and working toward becoming “whole”.  The second phase of most journeys explore what it would look like to love your life. Love doesn’t mean gumdrops and roses and everything is wonderful. Experiencing love is a willingness to live in the now, open to all that life has to express – the good, the bad, the ugly.  Once you are willing to be aware and accept what is happening in the now you learn the art of actively and intentionally moving toward those choices in life that bring you into balance with your core values and what you love. The third phase of becoming whole brings in the piece that launches us into growth and moving out of fate and into destiny – leading your life!  

During this meditation and universal download that was given to me was the launching board I was searching for – the key to this phase was to move from trust to faith.   Faith, that in every moment there is a mountain and mustard seed – two choices. Where you chose to put your focus will determine whether fate was going to take over and run your life for you, holding you back from truly leading your life, the mountain. OR…the mustard seed, you can choose to realize that you are at the same door you have been at so many times before but didn’t know how to open.  The key that opens that door and frees you into living, loving, and leading your destiny is by choosing love.

I’m not talking about the glorified supersize storybook version of love.  I’m talking about love in the version of whatever that might look like and feel like in that moment.  Sometimes it is self-love – choosing to forgive yourself for snapping at your partner or stopping that self-judging, undermining thoughts that tear down your worth.  Sometimes that choice might be having faith that while you don’t think you are strong enough in that moment to move that mountain you are! You believe that somehow someway that strength will kick it into gear at the moment it is needed.  It is the shift from trust – can I predict you and count on to show up the same way, to faith – I don’t know who, what, when, where, how or why but I do know that I can believe in myself with confidence and have the courage to get through it no matter what.

As always, sending you light and love on your journey and if you get a chance take a moment and really give yourself the gift of feeling the amazing love and light that you are!

Sending light and love on your journey – Michelle

P.S. If this is speaking to you and you are looking for a way to strengthen your faith to live, love, and lead your authentic life then check out our Unbridled Growth program.  It has been a journey of faith on my part putting this program together. It takes all the lessons that horses have taught me and my clients and fuses it together with stepping stones to help you on your journey into self-realization, healing, and growth.  We have a couple different options for the program from a self-study online to coaching and in-person workshop days with our team and horses. To learn more, click here.


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