Sep 28, 2019

Before you start reading this, I want to reassure you first that I have a solution to the most wonderful time of the year! And no, it isn’t to run away to a tropical island and sip a wonderful umbrella drink (although that would be nice! LOL) but it is to build in just a few minutes of daily energy hygiene into your day to bring your body’s energy systems into balance.

I know you will agree with me that fall is an awesome time of year. However, it can also start to trigger us running around and trying to fit in all those end of the year goals in all areas of our life – business, personal growth, family, and holidays. While we can definitely rock out the last couple of months of the year, it can also take a toll on us. The list of things that we know we should be doing to keep ourselves in alignment energy wise start to slide. Meditation time, health and exercise time, and plan downtime to rest and recharge start to become a faded memory.

So, for this mini-series, I thought it would be great to share many of the tips that I use every day to stay in balance and ready to go out into the world with my mojo running at 100% versus limping through the day and praying for that glass of wine to help me relax.

To know more about this 6-week training, click HERE.

50% Complete

Two Step

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