Work Life Balance: Is it real or just a myth?

Sep 28, 2019

When preparing for the new year and setting my intentions, I always take a look at these 5 areas to help ensure I’m on track for living my authentic life that I’ll love and feel balanced in.

  1. Energy = Power: Everyday build in activities to cultivate enthusiasm and motivation.
  2. Trust: Trust is all about time and consistency.
  3. Being: Who are you? How do you want to feel?
  4. Relating: How do you want to show up in the world? How do you want the world to interact with you?
  5. Growth: What inspires you to improve? What will deepen your quality of life?

I break down each of these areas in this weeks vlog and give some tips and insight into how to bring daily intention to each of these key areas. 

Now that you have watched the video I invite you to join me in my new year’s tradition with this quick exercise – rate each of these areas on a scale from 1 to 10 so you can determine if you are where you want to be. Warning alert, if the numbers are not want you want them to be, no worries.  The key to this exercise is bringing an honest awareness and assessment so that we move from being on autopilot to co-creating our authentic life.  Next, simply look at setting up a game plan on how you can slowly improve each of these areas until you get to where you feel like you are living, loving, and leading the life you want!

Looking for a starting place? One quick, easy, and free place to start is with cultivating your Energy!  Check out my free training series right now! RECLAIMING YOUR ENERGY MOJO: A FREE 6-Week Mini Series Training

Sending light and love – Michelle


50% Complete

Two Step

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