Holistic Wellness

Nov 15, 2020

One of the big values I founded Unbridled Change on is the concept of Holistic Wellness and that our true wellbeing and healing are interconnected with aspects of ourselves – body, mind, and soul.    

Over the years, I have expanded Unbridled Change to be even more holistic as an organization by offering additional services and modalities to meet the needs of our clients on their healing, growth, and transformational journeys.   In addition to one-on-one services via Equine Partnered Psychotherapy and CoachingTM (EPPCTM), we also offer stand-alone programs that work directly with other aspects of our health and wellness via energy work sessions, spiritual and transformational coaching and mentoring, trainings and teaching for other healing and wellness professionals, and also custom made combinations of all our modalities.  This expansion has truly enabled us to rock out our mission on a larger scale and to more people in different areas of the world for providing a “place” that offers hope, healing, and growth for all.   

I was recently asked to share more on the concept of holistic wellness at Natural Lifemanship’s Interconnected 2020 international conference and it was so much fun!  I love sharing about this approach to healing, and I also know that can become overwhelming fast when you first start exploring it.  

In case you are new to the concept of holistic health or maybe have felt a little overwhelmed by it too, I thought I would share with you a bit of what I shared during the conference on the basics of Holistic Wellness.  My hope is that having an intro will help you feel good about starting to or expanding your own approach to healing and growth!

In my vlog, I give you an overview of the main six areas of holistic wellness and a few quick tips on how you can address each area.

Want a deeper dive into the subject? Check out this month’s episode of Connecting with Joy! In Episode 8, I walk you through each of the six areas and give you even more insights and information about them and the different kinds of modalities that can help you address them so you can get specific on the areas you may feel need attention right now.   

I hope these two resources give you some insights and a sense of confidence to jump-start you on creating your own personal holistic wellness program!


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