A Journey Through The

Unlock personal development
based your unique personality
traits with Enneagram.

Have you ever felt like something within you is holding you back from living your fullest life? The Enneagram is an ancient tool for personal and spiritual growth that can help you uncover the core desires, fears, and patterns that shape your personality. More importantly, it can guide you towards healing and reclaiming your true potential.

Why the Enneagram?

The Enneagram helps you understand why you make the choices you do, why you may struggle with certain patterns, and how you can break free from them. This course isn’t just about learning—it’s about transforming the way you live, love, and grow through understanding YOUR unique personality traits.

Imagine being able to:

Release the need for perfection and embrace your own unique path.

Cultivate deeper connections
with yourself and others.

Unlock your inner strength and achieve the success you’ve always desired.
Find peace and clarity in your life’s purpose and direction.

This course is designed to guide you through understanding and overcoming the internal struggles that we all face. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your personal growth, improve your relationships, or simply find more joy in your life, the Enneagram offers a path to deeper self-awareness and fulfilment.


A Note from Michelle

I have to tell you, when I found the enneagram years ago I found it incredibly useful to finally understand why I was struggling so hard to break different patterns I didn’t like. Learning more about my type, how my core passion and emotions were running my “choices” behind the scene and impacting not only myself but those around me – wow! But one of the things I also love about the enneagram is it doesn’t just leave you with, well this is my make-up and I now I’m stuck fated to tango with this struggle and wound, it provides you with choice and healing!

If you have taken any of my courses or worked with me before then you know I LOVE discovering and claiming our power back and this tool helps you do that! This is where the graces or the gift of each type comes in. By doing the inner work to understand the drivers from your passions and struggles you can shift gears into the active choice that unlocks the gift of each point.

I was guided to create this course as a wonder tool to help you really dive into activating your body as a sacred messenger for your healing and growth!  During this course you will explore and break free from the nine main different ways we struggle, lose energy, and make choices that are not in alignment with who we truly are. 

What does working with the enneagram look like in everyday life?

I walk closely with the point One. A One is often called the perfectionist or the reformer. A One’s core struggles are often with anger, disappointment in self, and a massive desire to bring forward the highest potential within themselves and in the world – think of creating god’s kingdom on earth kind of devotional energy but never feeling that you can get it right and keep falling short – Yep it is that kind of special self-torture. Dare I say the passions of each point can almost feel soul crushing. But remember this tool doesn’t just leave you hanging there. It shows you a way through the pain of the gift. For a One, it is exploring the difference between projected and self-imposed reform or personal perfection to look at what is Divine Perfection. The inner work of a One takes you through examining what your projections and false pride are? What is a mistake and is there ever really a mistake? As I worked my way through these types of inquiries I began to shift, open, and transcend the soul crushing weight and disappointment of point One and open into capital “T” Trust and was able to release the attachments to my projections of what is “perfect” – It is insanely freeing is all I can say. 😊

We all have aspects of each of the 9 points within us. So, you don’t have to do a huge deep drive into exploring your point to gain HUGE personal growth, healing, and freedom with this tool.

Working with the enneagram is a holistic system!

This series invites you into a full-body exploration through each point of the enneagram.  Allowing you to align your heart, mind, and body with your true authentic self and voice! 

Videos and
Workbooks Included
Live Coaching
Calls Replays
Only $27
(value of $400)

Join the series today for just $47 and gain instant access to the full course plus the replays of the live coaching calls we did in the past.


I Love Sharing This Work!

I have worked with Michelle in different capacities for the last several years. She has helped me see how trauma effects every part of your life and even creates roadblocks. We have since moved into career coaching. Michelle has a gift for helping you to arrive at your own solution rather than giving you a direction. I would highly recommend Michelle, whether it be her group space or one on one coaching.


Michelle has been a true healing guide and presence in my life for the past couple of years. I feel safe, held and heard as she gracefully spins and weaves time honoured wisdom with humour and practical counsel. She is the embodiment of Teacher as Healer.


Working with Michelle has brought about true life changing insights. It’s just the kind of healing guidance I’ve spent many years searching for, actually! I moved into a group setting and that really was a catalyst to helping me evolve and practice navigating and integrating the changes I‘ve been working on, and finding freedom in myself I didn’t think existed! Truly the biggest thank you to Michelle and her whole team for their support on my journey. 


What's included in the Course?

Unbridled Change’s mission is to help bring hope, healing, and growth to those
who need it. We want this series to be available to everyone!