Easter, Forgiveness, Releasing and New Birth

Apr 14, 2022

Right now, many people are celebrating the mystical event of the resurrection of the Master Teacher, and Healer Jesus Christ.  Whether you align with the Christian faith or not, the teaching of Jesus provides us foundational lessons in how to live a life that is in union with our true nature.  He gave us roadmaps to how to work with the mystic laws of healing and to embody a life that has true freedom and the ability to experience “heaven on earth”.  

One his main teachings I resonate deeply with are the messages on embracing and activating the healing power of forgiveness.  We know that forgiveness has the power to free ourselves from deep pain and suffering.  However, opening fully to the grace of forgiveness can be one of the absolute hardest parts of any healing journey.   

Many times, while struggling and wrestling with my own willingness to allow the grace of forgiveness to flow fully to myself or to another I have turned to the support of engulfing myself in meditations with the Christ Consciousness.  Through those meditations and initiations, I uncovered insights and teachings  about the core struggles we humans have that hold us in shadow double binds and co-dependent cording with those that have harmed us and those that we have harmed.    

One of the main hidden blocks we have is the need for balancing the scales or seeking shadow vengeance.  I share more insights into this block and other ways in which we block or withstand the grace of forgiveness in a special bonus episode for the Connecting with Joy Unlimited Members.  During that episode I also share a powerful 20 min healing session to help support clearing and releasing your attachments to those blocks and calling forward deep healing to open your field to renewal and transformation.  

If you are a Connecting with Joy unlimited member log in today to listen and activate the Grace of Forgiveness today!  

Not an unlimited CWJ member? Simply upgrade your free membership or join us today to gain access to this meditation and over 100 hours of other amazing wisdom teachings, practices, and healing meditations!  Plus, the price of the membership is going up at the end of the month so now is the perfect time to give yourself the gift of healing and support and lock into the lower rate😉

My Easter offering to you today is a short meditation and healing.  I hope you enjoy the short but powerful message that can drop you into a contemplation and meditation on healing, change, and renewal.  It comes from my 21 Day Healing Series (a free series in which I share 21 different short meditation and healing prompts infused with Reiki energy.)



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